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Refuge Recovery Meditation }}- This is a 23 minute, guided "metta" (lovingkindness) meditation. In lovingkindness practice we cultivate a sense of friendliness, compassion and acceptance by ...
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Guided Lovingkindness Meditation - Refuge Recovery - Refuge Recovery Meditation - This is a 23 minute, guided "metta" (lovingkindness) meditation. In lovingkindness practice we cultivate a sense of friendliness, compassion and acceptance by ...
Guided Forgiveness Meditation - Refuge Recovery - Refuge Recovery Meditation - This is a 23 minute, guided meditation that encourages you to ask for forgiveness, forgive others and finally to forgive yourself, with a brief introduction.
Refuge Recovery Guided Breathing Meditation - Refuge Recovery Meditation - This is a 20 minute, guided mindfulness of breathing meditation. By watching our breath, we can cultivate concentration and a sense of peace that will help us ...
Movies trailers songs reviews news Mindfulness Of Feeling Tone - Guided Meditation From Refuge Recovery Book | Refuge Recovery Meditation
Episode 70: Refuge Recovery - Refuge Recovery Meditation - In this week's episode, I speak with Dave Owens from Refuge Recovery in Kansas City, Missouri. Dave is an atheist who wasn't comfortable with most of the AA ...
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